Last day to buy tickets was Wednesday, September 21st!
You should purchase your ticket(s) below via PayPal. Select to purchase either a single ticket (for you) or two tickets (for you and your guest). If you decide later to bring a guest, you can simply purchase another single ticket and email the reunion committee the name of your guest so that the RSVP list can be updated.
NOTE: Be sure to include your name on the PayPal payment information so we know who the tickets are for. We will not be mailing tickets, but wristbands will be given at the door to everyone who has purchased tickets and registered. The wristband will grant you access to our private room and buffet.
You will receive an email confirmation once you have completed the registration form and your payment has been received.
NOTE: Be sure to include your name on the PayPal payment information so we know who the tickets are for. We will not be mailing tickets, but wristbands will be given at the door to everyone who has purchased tickets and registered. The wristband will grant you access to our private room and buffet.
You will receive an email confirmation once you have completed the registration form and your payment has been received.